Page:The Chace - Somervile (1735).djvu/102

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Book III.
Like Troops of Amazons, the female Band
Prance round their Cars, not in refulgent Arms
As those of old; unskill'd to weild the Sword,
Or bend the Bow, these kill with surer Aim.
The royal Offspring, fairest of the Fair, 370
Lead on the splendid Train. Anna more bright
Than Summer Suns, or as the Lightning keen,
With irresistible Effulgence arm'd,
Fires ev'ry Heart. He must be more than Man,
Who unconcern'd can bear the piercing Ray. 375
Amelia, milder than the blushing Dawn,
With sweet engaging Air, but equal Pow'r
Insensibly subdues, and in soft Chains
Her willing Captives leads. Illustrious Maids
Ever triumphant! whose victorious Charms, 380
Without the needless Aid of high Descent
Had aw'd Mankind, and taught the World's great Lords
