Page:The Chace - Somervile (1735).djvu/124

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Book IV.
Select with Joy; but to the merc'less Flood
Expose the dwindling Refuse, nor o'erload 95
Th' indulgent Mother. If thy Heart relent,
Unwilling to destroy, a Nurse provide,
And to the Foster-Parent give the Care
Of thy superfluous Brood; she'll cherish kind
The Alien Offspring; pleas'd thou shalt behold 100
Her Tenderness, and hospitable Love.

If frolick now, and play-full they desert
Their gloomy Cell, and on the verdant Turf
With Nerves improv'd, pursue the mimick Chace,
Coursing around; unto thy choicest Friends 150
Commit thy valu'd Prize: The rustick Dames
Shall at thy Kennel wait, and in their Laps
Receive thy growing Hopes, with many a Kiss
Caress, and dignify their little Charge
With some great Title, and resounding Name 110
