Page:The Chace - Somervile (1735).djvu/145

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Book IV.
Affrighted, hide their Heads. Wild Tumult reigns,
And loud Uproar. Ah, there once more he vents!
See, that bold Hound has seiz'd him; down they sink,
Together lost: But soon shall he repent 440
His rash Assault. See, there escap'd, he flies
Half drown'd, and clambers up the slipp'ry Bank
With Ouze and Blood distain'd. Of all the Brutes,
Whether by Nature form'd, or by long Use,
This artful Diver best can bear the Want
Of vital Air. Unequal is the Fight,
Beneath the whelming Element. Yet there
He lives not long; but Respiration needs
At proper Intervals. Again he vents;
Again the Crowd attack. That Spear has pierc'd 450
His Neck; the crimson Waves confess the Wound.
Fix'd is the bearded Lance, unwelcome Guest,
Where-e'er he flies; with him it sinks beneath,
