Page:The Chace - Somervile (1735).djvu/27

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Book I.
Which proudly neighing, with the Sun begins 90
Chearful his Course; and e'er his Beams decline,
Has measur'd half thy Surface unfatigued.
In thee alone, fair Land of Liberty!
Is bred the perfect Hound, in Scent and Speed
As yet unrivall'd, while in other Climes 95
Their Virtue fails, a weak degen'rate Race.
In vain malignant Steams, and Winter Fogs
Load the dull Air, and hover round our Coasts,
The Huntsman ever gay, robust, and bold,
Defies the noxious Vapour, and confides 100
In this delightful Exercise, to raise
His drooping Head, and cheer his Heart with Joy.

Ye vig'rous Youths, by smiling Fortune blest
With large Demesnes, hereditary Wealth,
Heap'd copious by your wise Fore-Fathers Care, 105
Hear and attend! while I the Means reveal
