Page:The Chace - Somervile (1735).djvu/29

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Book I.
First let the Kennel be the Huntsman's Care,
Upon some little Eminence erect, 125
And fronting to the ruddy Dawn; its Courts
On either Hand wide op'ning to receive
The Sun's all-chearing Beams, when mild he shines,
And gilds the Mountain Tops. For much the Pack
(Rous'd from their dark Alcoves) delight to stretch,
And bask, in his invigorating Ray:
Warn'd by the streaming Light, and merry Lark,
Forth rush the jolly Clan; with tuneful Throats
They carol loud, and in grand Chorus join'd
Salute the new-born Day. For not alone 135
The vegetable World, but Men and Brutes
Own his reviving Influence, and joy
At his Approach. Fountain of Light! if Chance
Some envious Cloud veil thy refulgent Brow,
In vain the Muses Aid, untouch'd, unstrung, 140
