Page:The Chace - Somervile (1735).djvu/45

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Book I.
Invite thy ready Hand, each sacred Page
Rich with the wise Remarks of Heroes old.
Converse familiar with th' illustrious Dead;
With great Examples of old Greece or Rome
Enlarge thy free-born Heart, and bless kind Heav'n,
That Britain yet enjoys dear Liberty,
That Balm of Life, that sweetest Blessing, cheap
Tho' purchas'd with our Blood. Well-bred, polite,
Credit thy Calling. See! how mean, how low,
The bookless sauntring Youth, proud of the Skut 395
That dignifies his Cap, his flourish'd Belt,
And rusty Couples gingling by his Side.
Be thou of other Mold; and know that such
Transporting Pleasures, were by Heav'n ordain'd
Wisdom's Relief, and Virtue's great Reward. 400
