Page:The Chace - Somervile (1735).djvu/57

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Book II.
See how their Coursers, than the Mountain Roe 160
More fleet, the verdant Carpet skim, thick Clouds
Snorting they breath, their shining Hoofs scarce print
The Grass unbruis'd; with Emulation fir'd
They strain to lead the Field, top the barr'd Gate,
O'er the deep Ditch exulting bound, and brush 165
The thorny-twining Hedge: The Riders bend
O'er their arch'd Necks; with steady Hands, by turns
Indulge their Speed, or moderate their Rage.
Where are their Sorrows, Disappointments, Wrongs,
Vexations, Sickness, Cares? All, all are gone, 170
And with the panting Winds lag far behind.

Huntsman! her Gate observe, if in wide Rings
She wheel her mazy Way, in the same Round
Persisting still, she'll foil the beaten Track.
