Page:The Chace - Somervile (1735).djvu/67

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Book II.
Pours out her thronging Legions, bright in Arms,
And all the Pomp of War. Before them sound
Clarions and Trumpets, breathing martial Airs,
And bold Defiance. High upon his Throne, 325
Born on the Back of his proud Elephant,
Sits the great Chief of Tamur's glorious Race:
Sublime he sits, amid the radiant Blaze
Of Gems and Gold. Omrahs about him crowd,
And rein th' Arabian Steed, and watch his Nod: 330
And potent Rajahs, who themselves preside
O'er Realms of wide Extent; but here submiss
Their Homage pay, alternate Kings and Slaves.
Next these with prying Eunuchs girt around,
The fair Sultanas of his Court; a Troop 335
Of chosen Beauties, but with Care conceal'd
From each intrusive Eye; one Look is Death.
Ah cruel Eastern Law! (had Kings a Pow'r
But equal to their wild tyrannick Will)
