Page:The Chace - Somervile (1735).djvu/74

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Book II.
Lions on Tygers prey, and Bears on Wolves: 440
Horrible Discord! 'Till the Crowd behind
Shouting pursue, and part the bloody Fray.
At once their Wrath subsides; tame as the Lamb
The Lion hangs his Head, the furious Pard,
Cow'd and subdu'd, flies from the Face of Man, 445
Nor bears one Glance of his commanding Eye.
So abject is a Tyrant in Distress.

At last within the narrow Plain confin'd,
A listed Field, mark'd out for bloody Deeds,
An Amphitheatre more glorious far 450
Than ancient Rome cou'd boast, they crowd in heaps,
Dismay'd, and quite appall'd. In meet Array
Sheath'd in refulgent Arms, a noble Band
Advance; great Lords of high Imperial Blood,
Early resolv'd t'assert their Royal Race, 455
And prove by glorious Deeds their Valour's Growth
