Page:The Chace - Somervile (1735).djvu/83

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Book III.
Each likely Haunt. Hark! on the Drag I hear
Their doubtful Notes, preluding to a Cry
More nobly full, and swell'd with ev'ry Mouth.
As straggling Armies, at the Trumpet's Voice, 50
Press to their Standard; hither all repair,
And hurry thro' the Woods; with hasty Step
Rustling, and full of Hope; now driv'n on Heaps
They push, they strive; while from his Kennel sneaks
The conscious Villain. See! he skulks along, 55
Slick at the Shepherd's Cost, and plump with Meals
Purloin'd. So thrive the Wicked here below.
Tho' high his Brush he bear, tho' tipt with white
It gayly shine; yet e're the Sun declin'd
Recall the Shades of Night, the pamper'd Rogue 60
Shall rue his Fate revers'd; and at his Heels
Behold the just Avenger, swift to seize
His forfeit Head, and thirsting for his Blood.
