Page:The Chace - Somervile (1735).djvu/99

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Book III.
Him the fierce Arab mounts, and with his Troop
Of bold Compeers, ranges the Deserts wild.
Where by the Magnet's Aid, the Traveller
Steers his untrodden Course; yet oft on Land
Is wreck'd, in the high-rolling Waves of Sand 320
Immerst and lost. While these intrepid Bands,
Safe in their Horse's Speed, out-fly the Storm,
And scouring round, make Men and Beasts their Prey.
The grisly Boar is singled from his Herd,
As large as that in Erimanthian Woods, 325
A Match for Hercules. Round him they fly
In Circles wide; and each in passing sends
His feather'd Death into his brawny Sides.
But perillous th' Attempt. For if the Steed
Haply too near Approach; or the loose Earth 330
His Footing fail; the watchful angry Beast
