Page:The Chaldean Account of Genesis (1876).djvu/272

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Column II.

(Many lines lost.)

1. The dream which I saw . . . .

2. . . . made? the mountain . . . .

3. he struck . . . .

4. They like nimgi struck . . . .

5. brought? forth in the vicinity . . . .

6. He said to his friend Heabani the dream . . .

7. . . . good omen of the dream . . . .

8. the dream was deceptive . . . .

9. all the mountain which thou didst see . . . .

10. when we captured Humbaba and we . . . .

11. . . . of his helpers to thy . . . .

12. in the storm to . . . .

13. For twenty kaspu he journeyed a stage

14. at thirty kaspu he made a halt?

15. in the presence of Shamas he dug out a pit . . . .

16. Izdubar ascended to over . . . .

17. by the side of his house he approached . . . .

18. the mountain was subdued, the dream . . . .

19. he made it and . . . .

Column III.

1. The mountain was subdued, the dream . . . .

2. he made it and . . . .

3. . . . turban? . . . .

4. he cast him down and . . . .

5. the mountain like corn of the field . . . .