Page:The Chaldean Account of Genesis (1876).djvu/276

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19. and . . . .

20. he threw . . . .

21. he was guarded . . . .

22. the former name . . . .

23. the new name . . . .

24. he carried . . . .

25. to . . . .

(About six lines lost here.)

The second column shows Izdubar in some fabulous region, whither he has wandered in search of Hasisadra. Here he sees composite monsters with their feet resting in hell, and their heads reaching heaven. These beings are supposed to guide and direct the sun at its rising and setting. This passage is as follows:—

Column II.

1. Of the country hearing him . . . .

2. To the mountains of Mas in his course . . . .

3. who each day guard the rising sun.

4. Their crown was at the lattice of heaven,

5. under hell their feet were placed.

6. The scorpion-man guarded the gate,

7. burning with terribleness, their appearance was like death,

8. the might of his fear shook the forests.

9. At the rising of the sun and the setting of the sun, they guarded the sun.

10. Izdubar saw them and fear and terror came into his face.