Page:The Children's Plutarch, Romans.djvu/37

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Again Numa went to the pleasant nook in the forest, and again he met the Lady of the Fountain.

“You asked me last time, Numa, how to stay the people from going on each other's lands—from trespassing. Now I will tell you.”

“I thank you, nymph of the forest.”

“On the border-line between two farms or gardens a hole must be dug. In the hole let the folk pour the blood of an animal that has been slain for the gods. Sprinkle the hole with wine, and honey, and the seeds of plants, and sweet-smelling powders. Then let a big stone be dressed with ribbons and flowers. The stone must be placed in the hole so that it stands upright above the soil. Other stones are to be set at other points in the boundary.”

“We will obey your command, Lady.”

“And if, O Numa, any man tries to deceive his neighbor, and pulls up the land-mark out of the earth, and moves it to another spot, so as to make his own plot of land larger, then a curse shall be uttered upon the man and upon his cattle.”

“Yes, he shall be cursed.”

“And whoso finds the man may slay him, and to kill the false person shall not be counted murder.”

“It is dreadful, but it shall be done.”

“And every year, in the month of February, a feast shall be held. The neighbors on each side