Page:The Children Who Followed the Piper.djvu/163

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the three children went off to seek Picus the Woodpecker.

They met Picus the Woodpecker. Picus was coming to see the children off and to tell them his story once more before they left. Valentine called to him. "Picus, Picus," said Valentine, "show us the way to where Circe the Enchantress abides."

"Do not go to her, do not go to her," said Picus in a frightened way.

"Silvanus said we might go to her. If you will show us the way we will tell your story in the world."

"I will fly near where she abides," said Picus, "but you should not go near Circe the Enchantress."

He shook out his wings that had the scarlet upon them, and he went flying from branch to branch. Valentine, John Ball, and Golden Hood followed Picus the Woodpecker. On and on he flew. He came into the Deep Wood and they followed him. Very far into the Deep Wood he