Page:The Children Who Followed the Piper.djvu/73

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"I cannot look to find you a way," said Mars.

They went on until they came to the edge of the wood. There, gathering nuts and putting them into a bag, was another of the gods of the old time. He was Silvanus. "Silvanus, Silvanus," cried the boys, "can we, the Children who followed the Piper, ever find our way out of the Wood of Daylight-Gone?"

Silvanus, a young man with a ruddy face and strong arms, put down the bag of nuts and looked at the boys. He was one who was always busy; they had often seen him there, pruning the wild cherries or training the wild raspberry bushes.

"Is there a way out of the Wood of Daylight- Gone, Silvanus?" Valentine asked.

"There is one who can show the way," said Silvanus. As he spoke Picus, the restless woodpecker, came upon a branch and bent his head to listen to what Silvanus said.

"Who is the one who can show us the way out?"

"Circe the Enchantress," said Silvanus.