Page:The Children of the New Forest - 1847 - Marryat.djvu/233

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"Do you recollect your father?"

"No; never see him."

"Did your mother never talk about him?"

"Call her mother, but think no mother at all. Custom with Gitanas."

"Why did you call her mother?"

"Cause she feed me when little, beat me when I get big."

"All mothers do that. What made you come to England?"

"I don't know, but I hear people say, Plenty of money in England—plenty to eat—plenty to drink; bring plenty money back to Spain."

"How long have you been in England?"

"One, two, three year; yes, three year and a bit."

"Which did you like best, England or Spain?"

"When with my people, like Spain best; warm sun—warm night. England, little sun, cold night, much rain, snow, and air always cold; but now I live with you, have warm bed, plenty victuals like England best."

"But when you were with the gipsies, they stole every thing, did they not?"

"Not steal every thing," replied Pablo, laughing, "sometimes take and no pay when nobody there; farmer look very sharp—have big dog."

"Did you ever go out to steal?"

"Make me go out. Not bring back something, beat me very hard; suppose farmer catch me, beat hard too; nothing but beat, beat, beat."

"Then they obliged you to steal?"

"Suppose bring nothing home, first beat, and then not have to eat for one, two, three days. How you like that, Master Humphrey? I think you steal, after no victuals for three days?"

"I should hope not," replied Humphrey, "although I have