Page:The Children of the New Forest - 1847 - Marryat.djvu/251

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should; but I will to-morrow morning." Humphrey considered, as he went along, all the circumstances and probabilities, and decided that he would act as he at first proposed to himself. In an hour he was at the cottage; and as soon as Alice had given him his dinner—for he was later than the usual dinner hour—he told her what had taken place.

"Where is Pablo?"

"He has been working in the garden with Edith all the day," replied Alice.

"Well, dear, I hope they will not come to-night: to-morrow I will have them all in custody; but if they do come, we must do our best to beat them off. It is fortunate that Edward left the guns and pistols which he found in Clara's cottage, as we shall have no want of fire-arms; and we can barricade the doors and windows, so that they cannot get in in a hurry; but I must have Pablo to help me, for there is no time to be lost."

"But cannot I help you, Humphrey?" said Alice. "Surely I can do something?"

"We will see, Alice; but I think I can do without you. We have still plenty of daylight. I will take the box into your room."

Humphrey, who had only taken the box out of the cart and carried it within the threshold of the door, now took it into his sisters' bed-room, and then went out and called Pablo, who came running to him.

"Pablo," said Humphrey, "we must bring to the cottage some of the large pieces we sawed out for rafters; for I should not be surprised if the cottage were attacked this night."

He then told Pablo what had taken place. "You see, Pablo, I dare not send to the Intendant to-night, in case the robbers should come here."

"No, not send to-night," said Pablo; "stay here and fight them; first make door fast, then cut hole to fire through."

The Children of the New Forest.