Page:The Children of the New Forest - 1847 - Marryat.djvu/257

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on. Both doors were now battered with heavy pieces of timber at the same time, and Pablo said—

"Great many robbers here."

A moment or more had passed, during which Pablo and Humphrey had both again fired their guns through the door, when, of a sudden, other sounds were heard shots were fired outside, loud cries, and angry oaths and exclamations.

"The Intendant's people are come," said Humphrey, "I am sure of it."

Shortly afterwards Humphrey heard his name called by Edward, and he replied, and went to the door and undid the barricades.

"Get a light, Alice, dear," said Humphrey, "we are all safe now.—I will open the door directly, Edward, but in the dark I cannot see the fastenings."

"Are you all safe, Humphrey?"

"Yes, all safe, Edward. Wait till Alice brings a light."

Alice soon brought one, and then the door was unfastened. Edward stepped over the body of a man which lay at the thresh-hold, saying—

"You have settled somebody there, at all events," and then caught Edith and Alice in his arms.

He was followed by Oswald and some other men, leading in the prisoners.

"Bind that fellow fast, Oswald," said Edward. "Get another light, Pablo; let us see who it is that lies outside the door."

"First see who is in my bed-room, Edward," said Alice, "for the dogs are still there."

"In your bed-room, dearest? Well, then, let us go there first."

Edward went in with Humphrey, and found a man half in the window and half out, held by the throat and apparently suffo-