Page:The Chinese Repository - Volume 15.pdf/157

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Chinese Proverbs.

2. Ho ts'ung k'au ch'uh, ping ts'ung k'au juh, 禍從口出病从看口入, misfortunes proceed from the mouth, and by the mouth diseases enter.

3. Háu tieh puh tá ting, háo jin puh táng ping, 好鐵不打釘人不當兵, good iron is not used for nails, nor are soldiers made of good men.

4. Shun fung puh k'i láng, 顺風不起浪, a fair wind raises no storm.

5. Sui fung táu to, shun shwui tui ch'uen, 隨風到舵順水推船, to sail with wind and tide.

6. Shí shun fung ch'ui ho, hiá shwui hang ch'uen, 是順風吹火下水行船, to fan the flame in a fair wind and impel the boat with current.

7. Yih nian wán nien, 一念萬年, one mind, ten thousand years; always of one mind.

8. Yih kü liáng teh, 一舉兩得, or yih kü liáng pien, 一舉兩便, to kill two birds with one stone.

9. Yih nien chí ch'á, chung shin chí hwui, 一念之差終身之悔, the error of a thought, the regret of a whole life.

10. Siáu puh jin luán tá mau, 小不忍亂大謀, a little impatience subverts great undertakings.

11. K'o hoh i t'ien, jin sin nán muán, 溝壑易填人心難滿, vast chasms can be filled, the heart of a man is never satisfied.

12. I teh ping, i puh teh ming, 醫得病醫不得命, diseases may be healed, but fate cannot be remedied.

13. I teh shin, i puh teh sin, 醫得身醫不得心, the body may be healed, but the mind is incurable.

14. Jin sin wei hü kú ling, shán kuh wei hü kú ying, 人心惟虛故靈山谷惟虛故應, the open mind reflects, the hollow dell resounds.

15. Shú tau wú yin, 樹到無陰, when the tree falls the shade disappears.

16. Shú táu hú sun sán, 樹到猢猻散, when the tree falls, the monkeys flee.

17. Hú luh puh t'ung yú, 虎鹿不同遨, the tiger does not walk with the hind.

18. Sui luh ché puh kú t'ú, 遂鹿者不顧兔, he who pursues the stag disdains to notice the hare.

19. Tá ch'ung puh k'ih fuh juh, 大蟲不吃伏肉, the tiger does not molest a lying carcass.