Page:The Chinese cook book.djvu/225

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List of Articles with Approximate Prices and Chinese Signs

ArticlesChinese Signs Price Per
Alkaline Solution 梘水 $ .05 small bottle
Almonds, Salted 鹽炒杏仁 $2.75 pound
Bean Cake 豆付磚 $2.025 piece
Bean Sprout 牙菜 $2.15 pound
Bean Stick 付竹 $2.24 pound
Beans, Red 赤小豆 $2.12 pound
Beans, White 白豆 $2.08 pound
Bird Nest 燕窩 2.50 pound
[1]Bug Kay 北其 $2.10 handful
Calcium Powder 石膏 $2.10 tablespoonful
Cheese, Red

南乳 .25 jar

Cheese, White 付乳 .24 jar

Chestnuts, Water 馬太 .25 pound

Chow Chow 瓜英 .23 jar

Chow Min 炒面 .10 pound

Dates, Red 紅棗 .01 piece

Dong Chong Chow 冬虫草 .25 small bundle

Dong Sum 党參 .10 handful

Flour, Chinese Jim 占米粉 .25 pound

Frankfurters 臘腸 .55 pound

  1. Bug Kay is a plant used for nourishment.