Page:The Chinese cook book.djvu/30

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In steaming always drain off any water or other liquid substance and add just enough primary soup to cover the material. Steam until just soft, for in that state the food has its most delicious taste. Before eating pour off the primary soup, take off all oil on the surface, and put into the steamer again for a few moments. Salt to suit the taste.

In steaming, a hot fire should be used.

In boiling, the fire should be only sufficiently hot to keep the food at the boiling-point.

Frying should be done over a very hot fire, and the food should be turned constantly with a cooking-shovel, so that every particle will receive the same amount of heat.


In addition to the meat and ordinary vegetables, there are articles used in Chinese cooking which are to be found only in Chinese grocery stores. A list of these stores is given on page 198.

In ordering by mail, write not only the American or Chinese name of the article, but copy (or trace on thin paper) the Chinese sign