Page:The Chinese cook book.djvu/33

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for it which will be found, with the approximate cost, in the list beginning on page 199.

As the prices can be given only approximately, enclose with your letter a check or money order for 10 per cent, more than the total value of all the articles ordered.

model order

March 19, 1917.

Dear Sir:

Enclosed, I send check for $1.00, for which please send me, by express prepaid (or by mail), to the address given below, the following articles:

One bottle of Red Vinegar 浙酷
10 cents' worth of Octogon Spicery 八魚
10 cents' worth of Bug Kay 北其
10 cents' worth of Dong Sum 党參
10 cents' worth of Yen York 元肉

Please return by mail the excess of my remittance, and oblige.

Yours very truly,
(Mrs.) John Doe,
25 Marlin Avenue,
New York City.