Page:The Christian's Last End (Volume 2).djvu/157

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On the Happy Society of the Elect in Heaven.

couple, the new-born child, John, the wonderful and saintly precursor of Our Lord, the neighbors and relations, all met together with joyful congratulations. “And her neighbors and kinsfolks heard that the Lord had showed His great mercy towards her, and they congratulated with her.” But, my dear brethren, my thoughts about this matter relate to something that adds still more to the joy of this meeting. In all probability Mary, who at the time was bearing in her virginal womb the Son of God, was present also; for when the message was brought to her that she was to be the Mother of the Most High, the angel said to her: “And behold thy cousin Elizabeth, she also hath conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her.” Mark those words, “the sixth month.” Mary, after the angel’s message, visited Elizabeth and remained with her three months: “And Mary abode with her about three mouths.”[1] Thus she mu6t have been present at the time of the birth of St. John. Oh, I say again, what a delightful and joyful meeting! If we could only have had a glimpse at that holy company, and seen what they did, and heard what they said, and how they wished each other joy! Truly, if there is a paradise on earth it must be where Jesus, the Son of God, Mary, the Mother of God, John, the precursor of the Incarnate God, and Zachary and Elizabeth, those holy friends of God, come together. On earth, I say; for, rejoice again, pious Christians who serve the Lord! In the kingdom of heaven we shall enjoy that society, along with that of countless other friends, and all in the garb of glory, amid endless pleasures for all eternity. It is a joy that I cannot help thinking of, and would to God that we always raised our hearts and minds to this land of bliss that is promised us! At all events we shall now represent it to our imaginations more in detail, and consider the happiness of the elect with each other in heaven.

Plan of Discourse.

The joys of the elect shall be greatly increased by the delightful society that is to be found in the kingdom of heaven alone and nowhere else. Such is the whole subject of this meditation. It is not to be found on earth: the first part; it is only to be found in heaven: the second part. Let us so live that by avoiding bad and dangerous company, and by frequenting the good and pious, we

  1. Et ecce Elizabeth cognata tua, et ispa concepit filium in senectute sua: et hic mensis sextus est illi…Mansit autem Maria cum illa quasi mensibus tribus.—Luke i. 36, 56.