Page:The Christian Year 1887.djvu/111

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Man only mars the sweet accord
   O'erpowering with "harsh din"
The music of Thy works and word,
   Ill matched with grief and sin.

Sin is with man at morning break,
   And through the livelong day
Deafens the ear that fain would wake
   To Nature's simple lay.

But when eve's silent footfall steals
   Along the eastern sky,
And one by one to earth reveals
   Those purer fires on high,

When one by one each human sound
   Dies on the awful ear,
Then Nature's voice no more is drowned,
   She speaks, and we must hear.

Then pours she on the Christian heart
   That warning still and deep,
At which high spirits of old would start
   E'en from their Pagan sleep.

Just guessing, through their murky blind
   Few, faint, and baffling sight,
Streaks of a brighter heaven behind,
   A cloudless depth of light.

Such thoughts, the wreck of Paradise,
   Through many a dreary age,
Upbore whate'er of good and wise
   Yet lived in bard or sage:

They marked what agonizing throes
   Shook the great mother's womb:
But Reason's spells might not disclose
   The gracious birth to come:

Nor could the enchantress Hope forecast
   God's secret love and power;
The travail pangs of Earth must last
   Till her appointed hour.

The hour that saw from opening heaven
   Redeeming glory stream,