Page:The Christian Year 1887.djvu/114

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Who then from pining and despair
   The sickening heart can stay?

There is a stay—and we are strong;
   Our Master is at hand,
To cheer our solitary song,
   And guide us to the strand.

In His own time; but yet a while
   Our bark at sea must ride;
Cast after cast, by force or guile
   All waters must be tried:

By blameless guile or gentle force,
   As when He deigned to teach
(The lode-star of our Christian course)
   Upon this sacred beach.

Should e'er thy wonder-working grace
   Triumph by our weak arm,
Let not our sinful fancy trace
   Aught human in the charm:

To our own nets ne'er bow we down,
   Lest on the eternal shore
The angels, while oar draught they own,
   Reject us evermore:

Or, if for our unworthiness
   Toil, prayer, and watching fail,
In disappointment Thou canst bless,
   So love at heart prevail.


David said unto Nathan, I have sinned against the Lord. And Nathan said unto David, The Lord also hath put away thy sin; thou shalt not die. 2 Samuel xii. 13.

   When bitter thoughts, of conscience born,
      With sinners wake at morn,
   When from our restless couch we start,
   With fevered lips and withered heart,
Where is the spell to charm those mists away,
And make new morning in that darksome day?