Page:The Christian Year 1887.djvu/126

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There one by one his spirit saw
   Of things divine the shadows bright,
The pageant of God's perfect law;
   Yet felt not full delight.

Through gold and gems, a dazzling maze,
   From veil to veil the vision led,
And ended, where unearthly rays
   From o'er the ark were shed.

Yet not that gorgeous place, nor aught
   Of human or angelic frame,
Could half appease his craving thought;
   The void was still the same.

"Show me Thy glory, gracious Lord!
   'Tis Thee," he cries, "not Thine, I seek."
Na, start not at so bold a word
   From man, frail worm and weak:

The spark of his first deathless fire
   Yet buoys him up, and high above
The holiest creature, dares aspire
   To the Creator's love.

The eye in smiles may wander round,
   Caught by earth's shadows as they fleet;
But for the soul no help is found,
   Save Him who made it, meet.

Spite of yourselves, ye witness this,
   Who blindly self or sense adore;
Else wherefore leaving your own bliss
   Still restless ask ye more?

This witness bore the saints of old
   When highest rapt and favoured most,
Still seeking precious things untold,
   Not in fruition lost.

Canaan was theirs; and in it all
   The proudest hope of kings dare claim:
Sion was theirs; and at their call
   Fire from Jehovah came.

Yet monarchs walked as pilgrims still
   In their own land, earth's pride and grace: