Page:The Christian Year 1887.djvu/142

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   That is the heart for thoughtful seer,
   Watching, in trance nor dark nor clear,
Th' appalling Future as it nearer draws:
   His spirit calmed the storm to meet,
   Feeling the rock beneath his feet,
And tracing through the cloud th' eternal Cause.

   That is the heart for watchman true
   Waiting to see what GOD will do,
As o'er the Church the gathering twilight falls
   No more he strains his wistful eye,
   If chance the golden hours be nigh,
By youthful Hope seen beaming round her walls.

   Forced from his shadowy paradise,
   His thoughts to Heaven the steadier rise:
There seek his answer when the world reproves:
   Contented in his darkling round,
   If only he be faithful found,
When from the east the eternal morning moves.

Note: The expression, "calm delay," is borrowed from a friend, by whose kind permission the following stanzas are here inserted.


Unheard in summer's flaring ray,
   Pour forth thy notes, sweet singer,
Wooing the stillness of the autumn day:
   Bid it a moment linger,
      Nor fly
Too soon from winter's scowling eye.

The blackbird's song at even-tide,
   And hers, who gay ascends,
Filling the heavens far and wide,
   Are sweet. But none so blends,
      As thine,
With calm decay, and peace divine.


Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Matthew xviii. 21.

What liberty so glad and gay,
   As where the mountain boy,
Reckless of regions far away,
   A prisoner lives in joy?