Page:The Christian Year 1887.djvu/145

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Only the first renewed—the heathen's choice,
   A round of listless joy and weary strife.

For dreary were this earth, if earth were all,
   Tho' brightened oft by dear Affection's kiss; -
Who for the spangles wears the funeral pall?
   But catch a gleam beyond it, and 'tis bliss.

Heavy and dull this frame of limbs and heart,
   Whether slow creeping on cold earth, or borne
On lofty steed, or loftier prow, we dart
   O'er wave or field: yet breezes laugh to scorn

Our puny speed, and birds, and clouds in heaven,
   And fish, living shafts that pierce the main,
And stars that shoot through freezing air at even -
   Who but would follow, might he break his chain?

And thou shalt break it soon; the grovelling worm
   Shall find his wings, and soar as fast and free
As his transfigured Lord with lightning form
   And snowy vest—such grace He won for thee,

When from the grave He sprang at dawn of morn,
   And led through boundless air thy conquering road,
Leaving a glorious track, where saints, new-born,
   Might fearless follow to their blest abode.

But first, by many a stern and fiery blast
   The world's rude furnace must thy blood refine,
And many a gale of keenest woe be passed,
   Till every pulse beat true to airs divine,

Till every limb obey the mounting soul,
   The mounting soul, the call by Jesus given.
He who the stormy heart can so control,
   The laggard body soon will waft to Heaven.


The heart knoweth his own bitterness: and a stranger doth not intermeddle with his joy. Proverbs xiv. 10.

Why should we faint and fear to live alone,
   Since all alone, so Heaven has willed, we die,
Nor e'en the tenderest heart, and next our own,
   Knows half the reasons why we smile and sigh?