Page:The Christian Year 1887.djvu/154

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Scarce daring, through the twilight pale,
      To think he sees the Lord?
   With eyes too tremblingly awake
   To bear with dimness for His sake?
   Read and confess the Hand Divine
That drew thy likeness here so true in every line.

   For all thy rankling doubts so sore,
      Love thou thy Saviour still,
   Him for thy Lord and God adore,
      And ever do His will.
   Though vexing thoughts may seem to last,
   Let not thy soul be quite o'ercast; -
   Soon will He show thee all His wounds, and say,
"Long have I known Thy name—know thou My face alway."


And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou Me? And he said, Who art Thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest. Acts ix. 4, 5.

The mid-day sun, with fiercest glare,
Broods o'er the hazy twinkling air:
   Along the level sand
The palm-tree's shade unwavering lies,
Just as thy towers, Damascus, rise
   To greet you wearied band.

The leader of that martial crew
Seems bent some mighty deed to do,
   So steadily he speeds,
With lips firm closed and fixed eye,
Like warrior when the fight is night,
   Nor talk nor landscape heeds.

What sudden blaze is round him poured,
As though all Heaven's refulgent hoard
   In one rich glory shone?
One moment—and to earth he falls:
What voice his inmost heart appalls? -
   Voice heard by him alone.

For to the rest both words and form
Seem lost in lightning and in storm,
   While Saul, in wakeful trance,