Page:The Christian Year 1887.djvu/164

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To practise there the soothing lay
   That sorrow best relieves;
Thankful for all God takes away,
   Humbled by all He glass.


The sea of consolation, a Levite. Acts iv. 36.

   The world's a room of sickness, where each heart
      Knows its own anguish and unrest;
   The truest wisdom there, and noblest art,
      Is his, who skills of comfort best;
   Whom by the softest step and gentlest tone
         Enfeebled spirits own,
      And love to raise the languid eye,
When, like an angel's wing, they feel him fleeting by:-

   FEEL only—for in silence gently gliding
      Fain would he shun both ear and sight,
   'Twixt Prayer and watchful Love his heart dividing,
      A nursing-father day and night.
   Such were the tender arms, where cradled lay,
         In her sweet natal day,
      The Church of JESUS; such the love
He to His chosen taught for His dear widowed Dove.

   Warmed underneath the Comforter's safe wing
      They spread th' endearing warmth around:
   Mourners, speed here your broken hearts to bring,
      Here healing dews and balms abound:
   Here are soft hands that cannot bless in vain,
         By trial taught your pain:
      Here loving hearts, that daily know
The heavenly consolations they on you bestow.

   Sweet thoughts are theirs, that breathe serenest calms,
      Of holy offerings timely paid,
   Of fire from heaven to bless their votive alms
      And passions on GOD'S altar laid.
   The world to them is closed, and now they shine
         With rays of love divine,
      Through darkest nooks of this dull earth
Pouring, in showery times, their glow of "quiet mirth."