Page:The Christian Year 1887.djvu/170

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To do and suffer all Thy word;
   Only be Thou for ever nigh." -
"Then be it so—My cup receive,
   And of My woes baptismal taste:
But for the crown, that angels weave
   For those next Me in glory placed,

"I give it not by partial love;
   But in My Father's book are writ
What names on earth shall lowliest prove,
   That they in Heaven may highest sit."
Take up the lesson, O my heart;
   Thou Lord of meekness, write it there,
Thine own meek self to me impart,
   Thy lofty hope, thy lowly prayer.

If ever on the mount with Thee
   I seem to soar in vision bright,
With thoughts of coming agony,
   Stay Thou the too presumptuous flight:
Gently along the vale of tears
   Lead me from Tabor's sunbright steep,
Let me not grudge a few short years
   With thee t'ward Heaven to walk and weep:

Too happy, on my silent path,
   If now and then allowed, with Thee
Watching some placid holy death,
   Thy secret work of love to see;
But, oh! most happy, should Thy call,
   Thy welcome call, at last be given -
"Come where thou long hast storeth thy all
   Come see thy place prepared in Heaven."


Jesus answered and said unto him, Because I said unto thee, I saw the under the fig-tree, believest thou? Thou shalt see greater things than these. St. John i. 50.

Hold up thy mirror to the sun,
   And thou shalt need an eagle's gaze,
So perfectly the polished stone
   Gives back the glory of his rays: