Page:The Christian Year 1887.djvu/177

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Remembering Bethlehem, and that glorious night
   When ye, who used to soar
Diverse along all space in fiery flight,
   Came thronging to adore
Your God new-born, and made a sinner's child;
   As if the stars should leave
Their stations in the far ethereal wild,
And round the sun a radiant circle weave.

Nor less your lay of triumph greeted fair
   Our Champion and your King,
In that first strife, whence Satan in despair
   Sunk down on scathed wing:
Abuse He fasted, and alone He fought;
   But when His toils were o'er,
Ye to the sacred Hermit duteous brought
Banquet and hymn, your Eden's festal store.

Ye too, when lowest in th' abyss of woe
   He plunged to save His sheep,
Were leaning from your golden thrones to know
   The secrets of that deep:
But clouds were on His sorrow: one alone
   His agonising call
Summoned from Heaven, to still that bitterest groan,
And comfort Him, the Comforter of all.

Oh! highest favoured of all Spirits create
   (If right of thee we deem),
How didst thou glide on brightening wing elate
   To meet th' unclouded beam
Of Jesus from the couch of darkness rising!
   How swelled thine anthem's sound,
With fear and mightier joy weak hearts surprising,
"Your God is risen, and may not here be found!"

Pass a few days, and this dull darkling globe
   Must yield Him from her sight; -
Brighter and brighter streams His glory-robe,
   And He is lost in light.
Then, when through yonder everlasting arch,
   Ye in innumerous choir
Poured, heralding Messiah's conquering march,
Lingered around His skirts two forms of fire:

With us they stayed, high warning to impart;
   "The Christ shall come again