Page:The Christian Year 1887.djvu/187

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Oh! say not, dream not, heavenly notes
   To childish ears are vain,
That the young mind at random floats,
   And cannot reach the strain.

Dim or unheard, the words may fall,
   And yet the heaven-taught mind
May learn the sacred air, and all
   The harmony unwind.

Was not our Lord a little child,
   Taught by degrees to pray,
By father dear and mother mild
   Instructed day by day?

And loved He not of Heaven to talk
   With children in His sight,
To meet them in His daily walk,
   And to His arms invite?

What though around His throne of fire
   The everlasting chant
Be wafted from the seraph choir
   In glory jubilant?

Yet stoops He, ever pleased to mark
   Our rude essays of love,
Faint as the pipe of wakening lark,
   Heard by some twilight grove:

Yet is He near us, to survey
   These bright and ordered files,
Like spring-flowers in their best array,
   All silence and all smiles.

Save that each little voice in turn
   Some glorious truth proclaims,
What sages would have died to learn,
   Now taught by cottage dames.

And if some tones be false or low,
   What are all prayers beneath
But cries of babes, that cannot know
   Half the deep thought they breathe?