Page:The Christian Year 1887.djvu/201

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That by some ruined homestead builds,
And pours to the forsaken fields
   His wonted lay of love:

Why comes he not to bear his part,
To lift and guide th' exulting heart? -
   A hand that cannot spars
Lies heavy on his gentle breast:
We wish him health; he sighs for rest,
   And Heaven accepts the prayer.

Yes, go in peace, dear placid spright,
Ill spared; but would we store aright
   Thy serious sweet farewell,
We need not grudge thee to the skies,
Sure after thee in time to rise,
   With thee for ever dwell.

Till then, whene'er with duteous hand,
Year after year, my native Land
   Her royal offering brings,
Upon the Altar lays the Crown,
And spreads her robes of old renown
   Before the King of kings.

Be some kind spirit, likest thine,
Ever at hand, with airs divine
   The wandering heart to seize;
Whispering, "How long hast thou to live,
That thou should'st Hope or Fancy gave
   To flowers or crowns like these?"


As I was with Moses, so I will be with thee; I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. Joshua i. 5.

The voice that from the glory came
   To tell how Moses died unseen,
And waken Joshua's spear of flame
   To victory on the mountains green,
Its trumpet tones are sounding still,
   When Kings or Parents pass away,
They greet us with a cheering thrill
   Of power and comfort in decay.