Page:The Christian Year 1887.djvu/31

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Till men behold his angel face
All radiant with celestial grace,
Martyr all o'er, and meet to trace
   The lines of Jesus' death.

St. John'S Day

Peter seeing him, saith to Jesus, Lord, and what shall this man do? Jesus saith unto him, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? follow thou Me. St. John xxi. 21, 22.

"Lord, and what shall this man do?"
   Ask'st thou, Christian, for thy friend?
If his love for Christ be true,
   Christ hath told thee of his end:
This is he whom God approves,
This is he whom Jesus loves.

Ask not of him more than this,
   Leave it in his Saviour's breast,
Whether, early called to bliss,
   He in youth shall find his rest,
Or armed in his station wait
Till his Lord be at the gate:

Whether in his lonely course
   (Lonely, not forlorn) he stay,
Or with Love's supporting force
   Cheat the toil, and cheer the way:
Leave it all in His high hand,
Who doth hearts as streams command.

Gales from Heaven, if so He will,
   Sweeter melodies can wake
On the lonely mountain rill
   Than the meeting waters make.
Who hath the Father and the Son,
May be left, but not alone.

Sick or healthful, slave or free,
   Wealthy, or despised and poor -
What is that to him or thee,
   So his love to Christ endure?