Page:The Christian Year 1887.djvu/62

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Her brethren, mightiest, wisest, eldest-born,
   Bow to her sway, and move at her behest;
Isaac's fond blessing may not fall on scorn,
   Nor Balaam's curse on Love, which God hath blest.


When a strong man armed keepeth his place, his goods are in peace; but when a stronger than he shall come upon him, and overcome him, he taketh from him all his armour wherein he trusted, and divideth his spoils. St. Luke xi. 21, 22.

      See Lucifer like lightning fall,
         Dashed from his throne of pride;
      While, answering Thy victorious call,
         The Saints his spoils divide;
   This world of Thine, by him usurped too long,
Now opening all her stores to heal Thy servants' wrong.

      So when the first-born of Thy foes
         Dead in the darkness lay,
      When Thy redeemed at midnight rose
         And cast their bonds away,
   The orphaned realm threw wide her gates, and told
Into freed Israel's lap her jewels and her gold.

      And when their wondrous march was o'er,
         And they had won their homes,
      Where Abraham fed his flock of yore,
         Among their fathers' tombs; -
   A land that drinks the rain of Heaven at will,
Whose waters kiss the feet of many a vine-clad hill; -

      Oft as they watched, at thoughtful eve,
         A gale from bowers of balm
      Sweep o'er the billowy corn, and heave
         The tresses of the palm,
   Just as the lingering Sun had touched with gold,
Far o'er the cedar shade, some tower of giants old;

         It was a fearful joy, I ween,
      To trace the Heathen's toil,
         The limpid wells, the orchards green,
      Left ready for the spoil,
   The household stores untouched, the roses bright
Wreathed o'er the cottage walls in garlands of delight.