Page:The Christian Year 1887.djvu/65

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The gracious Dove, that brought from Heaven
   The earnest of our bliss,
Of many a chosen witness telling,
On many a happy vision dwelling,
   Sings not a note of this.

So, truest image of the Christ,
   Old Israel's long-lost son,
What time, with sweet forgiving cheer,
He called his conscious brethren near,
   Would weep with them alone.

He could not trust his melting soul
   But in his Maker's sight -
Then why should gentle hearts and true
Bare to the rude world's withering view
   Their treasure of delight!

No—let the dainty rose awhile
   Her bashful fragrance hide -
Rend not her silken veil too soon,
But leave her, in her own soft noon,
   To flourish and abide.


And Moses said, I will now turn aside, and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt. Exodus iii. 3.

The historic Muse, from age to age,
Through many a waste heart-sickening page
   Hath traced the works of Man:
But a celestial call to-day
Stays her, like Moses, on her way,
   The works of God to scan.

Far seen across the sandy wild,
Where, like a solitary child,
   He thoughtless roamed and free,
One towering thorn was wrapt in flame -
Bright without blaze it went and came:
   Who would not turn and see?

Along the mountain ledges green
The scattered sheep at will may glean
   The Desert's spicy stores: