Page:The Christian Year 1887.djvu/72

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Love masters Agony; the soul that seemed
Forsaken, feels her present God again,
   And in her Father's arms
   Contented dies away.


Saying, Father, if Thou be willing, remove this cup from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Thine, be done. St. Luke xxii. 42.

O Lord my God, do thou Thy holy will -
   I will lie still -
I will not stir, lest I forsake Thine arm,
   And break the charm
Which lulls me, clinging to my Father's breast,
   In perfect rest.

Wild fancy, peace! thou must not me beguile
   With thy false smile:
I know thy flatteries and thy cheating ways;
   Be silent, Praise,
Blind guide with siren voice, and blinding all
   That hear thy call.

Come, Self-devotion, high and pure,
Thoughts that in thankfulness endure,
Though dearest hopes are faithless found,
And dearest hearts are bursting round.
Come, Resignation, spirit meek,
And let me kiss thy placid cheek,
And read in thy pale eye serene
Their blessing, who by faith can wean
Their hearts from sense, and learn to love
God only, and the joys above.

They say, who know the life divine,
And upward gaze with eagle eyne,
That by each golden crown on high,
Rich with celestial jewelry,
Which for our Lord's redeemed is set,
There hangs a radiant coronet,
All gemmed with pure and living light,
Too dazzling for a sinner's sight,
Prepared for virgin souls, and them
Who seek the martyr's diadem.