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Chap. IV.

of conception, birth, and growth to vigorous youth, with fair promise of stalwart manhood, is a subject of general and no small im-

    matter and manner to the average run of Mormon composition. Morocco extra, 5s. 6d.; calf grained, 3s. 6d.; cloth embossed, 2s.

    The Voice of Warning; or, an Introduction to the Faith and Doctrine of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. This work has been translated into French. Morocco extra, 4s.; calf, gilt edges, 3s.; calf grained, 2s. 6d.; cloth embossed, 1s. 6d.

    Works by Orson Pratt, A.M., one of the Twelve Apostles.

    Absurdities of Immaterialism; or, a Reply to T.W.P. Taylder's Pamphlet, entitled "The Materialism of the Mormons, or Latter-Day Saints, Examined and Exposed." First edition in 1849. 4d.

    Great First Cause; or, the Self-moving Forces of the Universe. 2d.

    Divine Authenticity of the Book of Mormon, in 6 parts. Each part 2d.

    Divine Authority, or the Question, was Joseph Smith sent of God? First published in 1848. 2d.

    Remarkable Visions. First published in 1849. 2d.

    The Kingdom of God, in 4 parts. First edition in 1849. Parts 1, 2, 3, each 1d. Part 4, 2d.

    Reply to a Pamphlet printed at Glasgow, with the approbation of Clergymen of different denominations, entitled, "Remarks on Mormonism." First edition in 1849. 2d.

    New Jerusalem; or, the Fulfillment of Modern Prophecy. First published in 1849. 3d.

    Title and Index to the above Works, ½d.

    The Seer. Vol. I., 12 numbers; II., 8 numbers. Each number 2d. The two volumes bound in one, in half calf, 5s.

    A Series of Pamphlets, now being published on the first Principles of the Gospel.

    The following numbers are already out: Chap. 1, The True Faith. Chap. 2, True Repentance. Chap. 3, Water Baptism. Chap. 4, The Holy Spirit. Chap. 5, Spiritual Gifts. First printed in.1857. Each number, 2d.

    Works by Lorenzo Snow, one of the Twelve Apostles.

    The Voice of Joseph. A brief Account of the Rise, Progress, and Persecutions of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, with their present Position and Prospects in Utah Territory; together with American Exiles' Memorial to Congress. First published in1852. 3d.

    The Only Way to be Saved. An Explanation of the First Principles of the Doctrine of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. 1d.

    The Italian Mission. 4d.

    Works by Elder Orson Spencer, A.B.

    Letters exhibiting the most prominent Doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, in reply to the Rev. William Crowel, A.M., Boston, Mass., U.S.A. First printed in 1852. Morocco extra, 4s.; calf grained, 2s. 6d.; cloth embossed, 1s. 6d.

    Patriarchal Order, or Plurality of Wives. (Being the Fifteenth Letter in Correspondence with the Rev. William Crowel, A.M.) 2d.

    The Prussian Mission of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Report of Elder Orson Spencer, A.B., to President Brigham Young. 2d.

    Works by Elder John Jacques.

    Catechism for Children. Cloth, gilt edges, 10d.; stiff covers, 6d.

    Exclusive Salvation, 1d.

    Salvation. A Dialogue in two parts. Each part 1d.

    I will conclude this long enumeration with Catalogue of the principal Works in foreign languages.

    Works in French.

    Le Livre de Mormon (Book of Mormon), 3s. 6d.

    Une Voix d'Avertissement (Voice of Warning). Par Parley P. Pratt. Morocco, gilt edges, 4s.; roan, 1s. 9d.; cloth, 1s. 6d.; paper covers, 1s. 3d.