Page:The City of the Saints.djvu/387

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Chap. IX.

The Book of Covenants and Doctrines is what the Vedanta is to the Vedas, the Talmud to the Old Testament, the Traditions to

    • Nephi about to be worshiped by his Brethren.
    • Dancing in the Ship.
    • Nephi bound; Ship driven back.
    • Arrived on the Promised Land.
    • Plates of Ore made.
    • Zenos, Neum, and Zenock.
    • Isaiah's Writings.
    • Holy One of Israel.

    Second Book of Nephi.

    • Lehi to his Sons.
    • Opposition in all Things.
    • Adam fell that Men might be.
    • Joseph saw our Day.
    • A choice Seer.
    • Writings grow together.
    • Prophet promised to the Lamanites.
    • Joseph's Prophecy on brass Plates.
    • Lehi buried.
    • Nephi's Life sought.
    • Nephi separated from Laman.
    • Temple built.
    • Skin of Blackness.
    • Priests, etc., consecrated.
    • Make other Plates.
    • Isaiah's Words (by Jacob).
    • Angels to a Devil.
    • Spirits and Bodies reunited.
    • Baptism.
    • No Kings upon this Land.
    • Isaiah prophesieth.
    • Rod of the Stem of Jesse.
    • Seed of Joseph perish not.
    • Law of Moses kept.
    • Christ shall show himself.
    • Signs of Christ, Birth and Death.
    • Whisper from the Dust; Book sealed up.
    • Priestcraft forbidden.
    • Sealed Book to be brought forth.
    • Three Witnesses behold the Book.
    • The Words [read this, I pray thee].
    • Seal up the Book again.
    • Their Priests shall contend.
    • Teach with their Learning, and deny the Holy Ghost.
    • Rob the Poor.
    • A Bible, a Bible.
    • Men judged of the Books.
    • White and a delightsome People.
    • Work commence among all People.
    • Lamb of God baptized.
    • Baptism by water and Holy Ghost.

    Book of Jacob.

    • Nephi anointed a King.
    • Nephi died.
    • Nephites and Lamanites.
    • A righteous Branch from Joseph.
    • Lamanites shall scourge you.
    • More than one Wife forbidden.
    • Trees, Waves, and Mountains obey us.
    • Jews looked beyond the Mark.
    • Tame Olive-tree.
    • Nethermost Part of the Vineyard.
    • Fruit laid up against the Season.
    • Another Branch.
    • Wild Fruit had overcome.
    • Lord of the Vineyard wept.
    • Branches overcome the Roots.
    • Wild Branches plucked off.
    • Sherem the Anti-Christ.
    • A Sign; Sherem smitten.
    • Enos takes the Plates from his Father.

    The Book of Enos.

    • Enos, thy Sins are forgiven.
    • Records threatened by Lamanites.
    • Lamanites eat raw Meat.

    The Book of Jarom.

    • Nephites waxed strong.
    • Lamanites drink Blood.
    • Fortify Cities.
    • Plates delivered to Omni.

    The Book of Omni.

    • Plates given to Amaron.
    • Plates given to Chemish.
    • Mosiah warned to flee.
    • Zarahemla discovered.
    • Engravings on a Stone.
    • Coriantumr discovered.
    • His Parents came from the Tower.
    • Plates delivered to King Benjamin.

    The Words of Mormon.

    • False Christs and Prophets.

    Book of Mosiah.

    • Mosiah made King, and received.
    • The Plates of Brass, Sword, and Director.
    • King Benjamin teacheth the People.
    • Their Tent Doors toward the Temple.
    • Coming of Christ foretold.
    • Beggars not denied.
    • Sons and Daughters.
    • Mosiah began to reign.
    • Ammon, etc., bounded and imprisoned.
    • Limhi's Proclamation.
    • Twenty-four Plates of Gold.
    • Seer and Translator.

    Record of Zeniff.

    • A Battle fought.
    • King Laman died.
    • Noah made King.
    • Abinadi the Prophet.
    • Resurrection.
    • Alma believed Abinadi.
    • Abinadi cast into Prison and scourged with fagots.
    • Waters of Mormon.
    • The Daughters of the Lamanites stolen by King Noah's Priests.
    • Records on Plates of Ore.
    • Last Tribute of Wine.
    • Lamanites' deep Sleep.
    • King Limhi baptized.
    • Priest and Teachers labor.
    • Alma saw an Angel.
    • Alma fell (dumb).
    • King Mosiah's Sons preach to the Lamanites.
    • Translation of Records.
    • Plates delivered by Limhi.
    • Translated by two Stones.
    • People back to the Tower.
    • Records given to Alma.
    • Judges appointed.
    • King Mosiah died.
    • Alma died.
    • Kings of Nephi ended.

    The Book of Alma.

    • Nehor slew Gideon.
    • Amlici made King.
    • Amlici slain in Battle.
    • Amlicites painted red.
    • Alma baptized in Sidon.
    • Alma's Preaching.
    • Alma ordained Elders.
    • Commanded to meet often.
    • Alma saw an Angel.
    • Amulek saw an Angel.
    • Lawyers questioning Amulek.
    • Coins named.
    • Zeezrom the Lawyer.
    • Zeezrom trembles.
    • Election spoken of.
    • Melchizedek Priesthood.
    • Alma and Amulek stoned.
    • Records burned.
    • Prison rent.
    • Zeezrom healed and baptized.
    • Nehor's Desolation.
    • Lamanites converted.
    • Flocks scattered at Sebus.
    • Ammon smote off Arms.
    • Ammon and King Lamoni.
    • King Lamoni fell.
    • Ammon and the Queen.
    • King and Queen prostrate.
    • Aaron, etc., delivered.
    • Jerusalem built.
    • Preaching in Jerusalem.
    • Lamoni's Father converted.
    • Land Desolation and Bountiful.
    • Anti-Nephi-Lehies.
    • General Council.
    • Swords buried.
    • 1005 massacred.
    • Lamanites perish by Fire.
    • Slavery forbidden.
    • Anti-Nephi-Lehies removed to Jershon, called Ammonites.
    • Tremendous Battle.
    • Anti-Christ, Korihor.
    • Korihor struck dumb.
    • The Devil in the Form of an Angel.
    • Korihor trodden down.
    • Alma's Mission to Zorämites.
    • Rameumptom (holy Stand).
    • Alma on Hill Onidah.
    • Alma on Faith.
    • Prophecy of Zenos.
    • Prophecy of Zenock.
    • Amulek's Knowledge of Christ.
    • Charity recommended.
    • Same Spirit possess your Body.
    • Believers cast out.
    • Alma to Helaman.
    • Plates given to Helaman.
    • 24 Plates and Directors.
    • Gazelem, a Stone (secret).
    • Liahona, or Compass.
    • Alma to Shiblon.
    • Alma to Corianton.
    • Unpardonable Sin.
    • Resurrection.
    • Restoration.
    • Justice in Punishment.
    • If, Adam, took, Tree, Life.
    • Mercy rob Justice.
    • Moroni's Stratagem.
    • Slaughter of Lamanites.
    • Moroni's Speech to Zerahemnah.
    • Prophecy of a Soldier.
    • Lamanites' Covenant of Peace.
    • Alma's Prophecy 400 years after Christ.