Page:The City of the Saints.djvu/430

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Chap. IX.


of government, and appointed Alma the first and chief judge of the land (p. 205, 209, pars. 1, 7).

  •  90. Nehor suffered an ignominious death for apostasy and for killing Gideon (p. 210, pars. 3, 4).
  •  86. The usurper Amlici was slain by Alma. In this year many battles were fought between the Nephites on the one hand, and the Amlicites, who were Nephite revolutionists, and the Lamanites on the other. The Nephites were mostly victorious (p. 215, 217, pars. 14, 18).
  •  85. Peace was restored and many were baptized in the waters of Sidon, and became members of the Church (p. 218, par. 1).
  •  84. Peace continued, and three thousand five hundred became members of the Church of God (p. 218, par. 2).
  •  83. The members of the Church became proud because of their great riches (p. 218, par. 3).
  •  82. Alma delivered up the office of chief judge to Nephilah, and confined himself wholly to the high priesthood, after the holy order of God (p. 219, par. 5).
  •  81. Alma performed a mission to the land of Melek, and to the City Ammonihah (p. 230, pars. 2, 3).
  •  80. Alma and Amulek were delivered from prison by the mighty power of God (p. 251, par. 11).
  •  79. The Lamanites destroyed the people of Ammonihah (p. 253, par. 2).
  •  76. There was peace during three years, and the Church was greatly prospered (p. 254, par. 8).
  •  75. Ammon performed a successful mission among the Lamanites (p. 288, par. 10).
  •  73. Korihor, the great anti-Christ, made his appearance (p. 290, par. 2).
  •  72. Alma committed the record to the keeping of his son Helaman, and commanded him to continue the history of his people (p. 310, par. 5).
  •  71. The Nephites obtained a complete victory over the Lamanites in the borders of Manti (p. 331, par. 16).
  •  71. Helaman performed a successful mission among the Nephites (p. 333, par. 4).
  •  69. Moroni commanded that the Nephites should fortify all their cities. They also built many cities (p. 346, par. 1).
  •  68. This was the most comfortable, prosperous, and happy year that the Nephites had ever seen (p. 348, par. 3).
  •  65. The people of Morianton prevented from escaping to the North or Lake Country. Also Nephilah died, and his son Pahoran succeeded him as chief judge of the land (p. 348, pars. 5, 8).
  •  64. A contention between the advocates of monarchy on the one hand, and of republicanism on the other, was peaceably settled by the voice of the people. But 4000 of the monarchy men were slain for refusing to take up arms in defense of their country against the Lamanites (p. 350, par. 3).
  •  63. Preparations for war between the Nephites and the Lamanites were made (p. 354, par. 4).