Page:The City of the Saints.djvu/568

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August. Parley P. Pratt and Sidney Rigdon were converted.
Sept. 19. O. Pratt baptized.
October. The first missionaries to the Lamanites were appointed.
December. Sidney Rigdon visited the Prophet.

1831. January. Mr. Joseph Smith, jun., set out for Kirtland, the birthplace of Sidney Rigdon.
Feb. 1. Mr. Joseph Smith, jun., arrived at Kirtland, Ohio, the first of his many Hegiras.
Feb. 9. God commanded the elders to go forth in pairs and preach.
March 8. John Whitmer was appointed Church recorder and historian by revelation.
June 6. The Melchizedek, or Superior Priesthood, was first conferred upon the elders.
June 10–19. Mr. Joseph Smith, jun., and sundry Saints transferred themselves from Kirtland, Ohio, to Jackson County, Missouri, where they arrived in the middle of July. The Land of Zion was dedicated and consecrated for the gathering of the Saints, and the first log was laid in Kaw township, twelve miles west of Independence, Missouri.
Aug. 2–3. Site for the temple of New Zion dedicated, a little west of Independence.
Aug. 4. First Conference of the Church in the land of Zion held.
Aug. 9. Mr. Joseph Smith, jun., returned from Independence to Kirtland, and, arriving about the end of the month (27th?), established the fatal "Kirtland Safety Society Bank."
1832. March 25. Mr. Joseph Smith, jun., and Sidney Rigdon were tarred and feathered by a mob for attempting to establish communism and dishonorable dealing, forgery, and swindling (J.H.).
March 26. Mr. Joseph Smith, jun., acknowledged the President of the High Priesthood at a General Council of the Church; visited his flock in Missouri.
April 2. Mr. Joseph Smith, jun., left Ohio for Missouri, and arrived at Independence on the 24th.
April 14. Mr. Brigham Young, converted by Elder Samuel Smith, and baptized by Eleazar Millard, in this year went to Kirtland, Ohio, and became a devoted follower of the Prophet.
May 1. At an Œcumenical Council held at Independence, Mo., it was decided to print the "Book of Doctrines and Covenants."
May 6. Mr. Joseph Smith, jun., left Missouri for Kirtland, where he arrived in June.
June. The first Mormon periodical, the "Evening and Morning Star," was published by the Church, under the superintendence of Mr. W.W. Phelps, at Independence, Mo., where the Saints numbered 1200 souls.
Nov. 6. Mr. Joseph Smith, jun.'s, son Joseph born at Kirtland, Ohio.
In this year Mr. Heber C. Kimball was baptized.
1833. Jan. 22. Gift of tongues conferred.
Feb. 2. Mr. Joseph Smith, jun., finished his inspired retranslation of the New Testament.
March 18. The Quorum of Three High Priests, viz., Mr. Joseph Smith, jun., Sidney Rigdon, a Campbellite or reformed Baptist preacher, and Frederick G. Williams, an early convert, was organized as a Presidency of the Church in Kirtland, and forthwith proceeded to have visions of the Savior, of concourses of angels, etc., etc.
July 2. Mr. Joseph Smith, jun., finished the translation of the Bible.
July 20. A mob of Missourians in Jackson City tore down the new newspaper office, tarred, feathered, and whipped the Saints. Thereupon, three days afterward, the Saints agreed with their persecutors to leave Jackson Co., and laid the corner-stone of the Lord's House in Kirtland.
Sept. 11. A printing-press was established at Kirtland for the publication of the "Latter-Day Saints' Messenger and Advocate," Bishop Partridge being at the head of the Church in Zion.
Oct. 8. Elders W. W. Phelps and O. Hyde presented to the governors of Missouri a petition from the Saints of Jackson City praying for redress.
Oct. 31. Ten Mormon houses destroyed by the populace in Jackson Co.