Page:The City of the Saints.djvu/574

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ond time, and, followed by Mr. H.C. Kimball and the mass of the Saints, reached the Promised Land in September.
September. Some Mormons who had started from New York for San Francisco, expecting to find the Church in California or Vancouver's Island, arrived in Great Salt Lake City from the West.
Nov. 10. The Temple in Nauvoo burnt.

1849. March 5. At a convention held in Great Salt Lake City the Constitution of the State of Deserét was drafted, and the Legislature was elected under its provisions.
July 2. Delegates sent to Washington petitioned for admission into the Union as a free, sovereign, and independent state.
August. Captain Stansbury and Lieutenant Gunnison, Topographical Engineers, by order of the federal government, surveyed Great Salt Lake Valley.
Sept. 9. A bill organizing Utah Territory was signed by President Fillmore. The Perpetual Emigration Fund was organized. Five Yutas were killed in battle by Captain John Scott and his Mormons.
1850. April 5. The Assembly met, and Utah Territory was duly organized.
May 27. The walls of the Temple at Nauvoo were blown down by a hurricane.
June 14. The first missionaries to Scandinavia landed in Copenhagen, Denmark.
June 15. The first number of the "Deserét News" appeared under the editorship of Dr. Willard Richards.
Aug. 12. The first baptisms in Denmark by legal authority in this Dispensation took place.
Sept. 9. The "Act" for organizing the Territory of Utah became a law.
Mr. Brigham Young was appointed Governor and Superintendent of Indian Affairs in Utah Territory by President Fillmore, who signed the act. The judges, Brocchus, Day, and Brandeburg, and Mr. Secretary Harris, arrived at Great Salt Lake City.
Sept. 22. Judge Brocchus insulted the people, and, accompanied by the other federal officers, fled from the Territory.
Oct. 13. The first company of Perpetual Emigration Fund emigrants arrived in Great Salt Lake City from the United States.
Dec. 7. The first branch of the Church in France was organized at Paris.
In 1850 was the Indian War. Mr. Higbee was the first white settler slain, and many of the Yutas were killed.
1851. Jan. 9. Great Salt Lake City was incorporated.
Feb. 3. Mr. Brigham Young sworn in as Governor of Utah.
April 5. Legislature of Provisional State of Deserét dissolved. The Legislative Assembly was elected under the Territorial Bill. A memorial signed by 13,000 names was forwarded to her Britannic majesty's government, proposing for a relief by emigration of a portion of the poorer subjects to colonize Oregon or Vancouver's Island, the latter being about the dimensions of England.
April 7. The Tabernacle was built, and at a General Conference in Great Salt Lake City it was voted to build a Temple.
Sept. 22. Opening of the Legislature of Utah Territory. Great trouble with the government of the United States fomented by the federal officials' march. The Legislature forbade by ordinances the sale of arms, ammunition, and spirituous liquors to the Indians.
Dec. 13. Parovan City, on Centre Creek, Iron Co., Utah Territory, founded.
1852. June. Fifteen Frenchmen baptized in Paris.
Aug. 29. The revelation on the celestial law of marriage, alias polygamy (bearing date 1843), was published by Mr. Brigham Young.
Sept. 3. The first company of Perpetual Emigration Fund converts from Europe reached Great Salt Lake City.
Dec. 13. The Legislative Assembly of Utah Territory met for the first time. The judges and the Secretary of State appointed by President Pierce came to hand.
1853. Jan. 17. The Deserét Iron Company was chartered by the Legislature of Utah Territory.