Page:The City of the Saints.djvu/583

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  • Granite Mountain, 454.
  • Granite" Rock, 462.
  • Grape, the Californian, 345.
  • Grass, bunch, 7.
  • Grass," salt, 148.
  • Grasses of the slopes west of Fort Laramie, 7.
  • Grasshopper Creek, 21.
  • Grasshoppers (Œdipoda corallipes), clouds of, in the prairies, 69.
  • Grasshoppers, ravages of, 69, 70.
  • Grasshoppers," scourge of, in Utah Territory, 284.
  • Grattan, Lieutenant, his fatal fight with the Sioux, 88.
  • Graves of the Mormon emigration route, 174.
  • Grazing-grounds in Utah Territory, 284.
  • Grazing-grounds" of the West, their fertility and freedom from sickness, 7.
  • Greasewood at Black's Fork, 176.
  • Greasewood" the (Obione or Atriplex canescens), 158.
  • Great Salt Lake, account of an excursion to, 322.
  • Great" Salt" Lake," air on the shores of, 34
  • Great" Salt" Lake," bathing-place on, 329.
  • Great" Salt" Lake," buoyancy of, 329.
  • Great" Salt" Lake," history and geography of, 324.
  • Great" Salt" Lake," islands of, 327–8.
  • Great" Salt" Lake," lands immediately about, 330.
  • Great" Salt" Lake," quantity of salt in, 325.
  • Great" Salt" Lake," City, Academy of the 7th Ward in, 360.
  • Great Salt Lake City, admirable site of, 196.
  • Great" Salt" Lake," City" Agricultural Society of Desert, 316.
  • Great Salt Lake City, arrival of caravan of emigrants at, 225–6.
  • Great Salt Lake City, cheapness of the necessaries of life at, 320.
  • Great Salt Lake City, coinage of, 356.
  • Great" Salt" Lake," City" conduct of federal officials at, 421.
  • Great Salt Lake City, corporation of, 315.
  • Great" Salt" Lake," City" Council Hall of the Seventies at, 229.
  • Great Salt Lake City, course of life in, 418–19.
  • Great" Salt" Lake," City" Court-house of, 417.
  • Great" Salt" Lake," City" crops in the valley of, 201.
  • Great" Salt" Lake," City" Denmark Ward in, 198,
  • Great" Salt" Lake," City" departure from, 441–3.
  • Great" Salt" Lake," City" eastern wall of Great Salt Lake Valley, 195.
  • Great Salt Lake City, education in, 422, 423, 425.
  • Great" Salt" Lake," City" Endowment House at, 220.
  • Great" Salt" Lake," City" excursions in, 322.
  • Great" Salt" Lake," City" first view of, 193.
  • Great" Salt" Lake," City" foundation of the, 288.
  • Great" Salt" Lake," City" gold mines in Utah, 271.
  • Great" Salt" Lake," City" Governor Cumming, 215.
  • Great" Salt" Lake," City" hand-labor, articles of, in, 320.
  • Great Salt Lake City, Historian and Recorder's Office in, 419, 426.
  • Great Salt Lake City, houses of, 197, 198.
  • Great" Salt" Lake," City" industry in, 316.
  • Great" Salt" Lake," City" Lion House at, 246.
  • Great" Salt" Lake," City" list of articles of industry at, 317–20, note.
  • Great Salt Lake City, militia of, 354–5.
  • Great" Salt" Lake," City" murders committed in and near, 339.
  • Great Salt Lake City, newspapers published in, 255.
  • Great Salt Lake City, no market-place in, 201.
  • Great" Salt" Lake," City" prices, 820–1.
  • Great" Salt" Lake," City" principal schools in, 425.
  • Great" Salt" Lake," City" promulgation of the Constitution at, 289, note.
  • Great Salt Lake City, public opinion in, 197.
  • Great" Salt" Lake," City" roads from, to California, 450.
  • Great Salt Lake City, safety of, 224.
  • Great" Salt" Lake," City" Salt Lake House Hotel, 201.
  • Great" Salt" Lake," City" schools in, 345.
  • Great Salt Lake City, shops in, 217.
  • Great" Salt" Lake," City" Social Hall and fêtes at, 230.
  • Great" Salt" Lake," City" streets of, 216, 217.
  • Great" Salt" Lake," City" supply of water in, 216, 217.
  • Great" Salt" Lake," City" the Tabernacle at, 219, 220,
  • Great" Salt" Lake," City" taxes of, 315.
  • Great" Salt" Lake," City" Temple Block at, 217-23.
  • Great" Salt" Lake," City" the Bee House at, 246.
  • Great" Salt" Lake," City" the Bowery at, 220, 258.
  • Great" Salt" Lake," City" the bulwarks of Zion at, 197.
  • Great" Salt" Lake," City" the Penitentiary at, 271.
  • Great" Salt" Lake," City" the Prophet's house at, 234, 245–6.
  • Great Salt Lake City, the public and private offices of the Prophet at, 246.
  • Great Salt Lake City, the public library at, 235.
  • Great" Salt" Lake," City" the River New Jordan, 233.
  • Great" Salt" Lake," City" view of, from the Wasach Mountains, 359.
  • Great Salt Lake City, visit to the Prophet at, 237–8.
  • Green River, formation of the valley of the, 169.
  • Green" River," fountain-head of the, 162.
  • Green" River," its breadth and depth, 171.
  • Green" River," its length, volume, and direction, 171.
  • Green River, its tributaries, 167.
  • Green" River," Macarthy's station on the, 170.
  • Green" River," Mountains, the, 153.
  • Green" River," salmon trout of the, 170.
  • Green" River," Spanish and Indian names of the, 171.
  • Green-River Station, 170, 172.
  • Green" River," wool-producing country in the basin of the, 284.
  • Grounds, Bad, or mauvaises terres of the United States, 6.
  • Grouse, pinnated, 142.
  • Guenot, Louis, his bridge over the Platte, 141.
  • Guese, George, the Cherokee chief, 35.
  • Guittard's Station, 27.
  • Guittard's" Station," the host at, 27.
  • Gunnison, Lieutenant, his work on Mormonism, 203, 204, note.
  • Gunnison, Lieutenant, his resumé of Mormonism, 398.
  • Gunnison, Lieutenant, murder of, 339.
  • Gunnison's Island, 327.
  • Hair, Indian mode of dressing the, 56.
  • Half-breeds, English and French, compared, 80.
  • Half-breeds," women, 80.
  • Halfway House, halt at the, 53.
  • Halfway" House," the store at the, 53.
  • Ham's Fork, 174.
  • Ham's" Fork," the wretched station at, 174, 175.
  • Hand-labor, articles of, in Great Salt Lake City, 320.
  • Hands of the Indians, 104.
  • Hanks, the redoubtable Mr. Ephe, the Danite, 191.
  • Hanks," stories of, 193.
  • Hapsaroke Indians, or Les Corbeaux, 124.
  • Hapsaroke" Indians," sign of the tribe, 124.
  • Harney, General, his defeat of the Brûlé Sioux at Ash Hollow, 70, 89.
  • Harrowgate Springs in the Wasach Mountains, 360.
  • Hat Island, 327.
  • Hawkins's rifles, 9.
  • Hayden, Dr. F.V., his opinion on coal in Nebraska, 141.
  • Heat of the sun beyond Ham's Fork, 176.
  • Heath-hen, the, 142.
  • Hickman, Bill, the Danite, 191, 344.
  • Hierarchy of the Mormons, 399, 403.
  • High Mountain, 458.
  • Historian and Recorder's Office in Great Salt Lake City, 419, 426.
  • Holmes, the ungenial man, 177.
  • Horse Creek, 79.
  • Horse" Creek," breakfast at, 84.
  • Horse" Creek," inmates of the station at, 80, 81.
  • Horse-fly, a green-headed, 168.