Page:The Civil War in America - an address read at the last meeting of the Manchester Union and Emancipation Society.djvu/101

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James Aytoun, Esq., London.
Hon. George Brown, Toronto.
Dr. Alexander, Edinburgh.
R. Peek, Esq., J. P., Hazlewood.
Colonel Henry Salwey, Runnynriede Park, Egham.
James Taylor, jun., Esq., Birmingham.
Charles Henry Robarts, Esq., B. A., Christ Church, Oxford.
F. J. Furnivall, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, London.
E. Herbert Grundy, Esq., Manchester.
Frederick Harrison, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, London.
James Cropper, Esq., Kendal.
Thomas H. Bastard, Esq., Charlton, Blandford.
Samuel A. Goddard, Esq., Birmingham.
E. F. Flower, Esq., Stratford-on-Avon.
Robert Hyde Buckley, Esq., Mossley.

Samuel Watts, Esq., Manchester, Treasurer.
John H, Estcourt, Esq., Chairman of Executive.
John C. Edwards, Hon. Secretaries.
Edward Owen Greening,

Moved by the President, seconded by Mr. Councillor Murray:

“That the sincere and earnest thanks of the Union and Emancipation Society be given to Samuel Watts, Treasurer; John Hart Estcourt, Chairman; John C. Edwards, and Edward Owen Greening, Honorary Secretaries, for their able and most indefatigable services as officers of the Association.”

The society was then formally dissolved.

Thomas B. Potter, Chairman.