Page:The Clandestine Marriage (1766).djvu/13

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HOGARTH's Marriage-a-la-mode has before furniſhed Materials to the Author of a Novel, publiſhed ſome Years ago, under the Title of The Marriage-Act: But as that Writer perſued a very different Story, and as his Work was chiefly deſigned for a Political Satire, very little Uſe could be made of it for the Service of this Comedy.

In Juſtice to the Perſon, who has been conſidered as the ſole Author, the Party, who has hitherto lain concealed, thinks it incumbent on him to declare, that the Diſclofure of his Name was, by his own Deſire, reſerved till the Publication of the Piece.

Both the Authors, however, who have before been ſeparately honoured with the Indulgence of the Publick, now beg Leave to make their joint Acknowledgements for the very favourable Reception of the Clandestine Marriage.