Page:The Clandestine Marriage (1766).djvu/75

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Cant. Your flatterie, my Lor, vil make me too prode.

Lord Ogle. The girl has ſome little partiality for me, to be ſure: but prithee, Cant, is not that Miſs Fanny yonder?

Cant. [looking with a glaſs.] En veritè, 'tis ſhe, my Lor—'tis one of de pigeons,—de pigeons d'amour.

Lord Ogle. Don't be ridiculous, you old monkey. [ſmiling.

Cant. I am monkeè, I am ole, but I have eye, I have ear, and a little underſtand, now and den.—

Lord Ogle. Taiſez vous bête!

Cant. Elle vous attend, my Lor.—She vil make a love to you.

Lord Ogle. Will ſhe? Have at her then! A fine girl can't oblige me more.—Egad, I find myſelf a little enjouée—come along, Cant! ſhe is but in the next walk—but there is ſuch a deal of this damned crinkum-crankum, as Sterling calls it, that one ſees people for half an hour before one can get to them—Allons, Monſ. Canton, allons donc!

[Exeunt ſinging in French.

Another part of the garden.

Lovewell, and Fanny.

Lovew. My dear Fanny, I cannot bear your diſtreſs; it overcomes all my reſolutions, and I am prepared for the diſcovery.

Fanny. But how can it be effected before my departure?

Lovew. I'll tell you.—Lord Ogleby ſeems to entertain a viſible partiality for you; and notwithſtanding the peculiarities of his behaviour, I am ſure that he is humane at the bottom. He is vain to an exceſs; but withall extremely good-natured, and would do any thing to recommend himſelf to a lady.—Do you open the whole affair of our marriage to him immediately. It will come with more irreſiſtible perſuaſion
