Page:The Clandestine Marriage (1766).djvu/77

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Canton here, from age and infirmities, ſtands for nothing.

Cant. Noting at all, inteed.

Fanny. Your Lordſhip does me great honour. I had a favour to requeſt, my Lord!

Lord Ogle. A favour, Madam!—To be honoured with your commands, is an inexpreſſible favour done to me, Madam.

Fanny. If your Lordſhip could indulge me with the honour of a moment's—What is the matter with me? [aſide.

Lord Ogle. The girl's confus'd—he!—here's ſomething in the wind faith—I'll have a tete-a-tete with her—allez vous en! [to Canton.

Cant. I go—ah, pauvre Mademoiſelle! my Lor, have pitié upon de poor pigeone!

Lord Ogle. I'll knock you down Cant, if you're impertinent. [ſmiling.

Cant. Den I mus avay—[ſhuffles along.]—You are mosh pleaſe, for all dat. [Aſide, and exit.

Fanny. I ſhall ſink with apprehenſion. [aſide.

Lord Ogle. What a ſweet girl!—ſhe's a civiliz'd being, and atones for the barbariſm of the reſt of the family.

Fanny. My Lord! I—[She curtſeys, and bluſhes.

Lord Ogle. [addreſſing her.] I look upon it, Madam, to be one of the luckieſt circumſtances of my life, that I have this moment the honour of receiving your commands, and the ſatisfaction of confirming with my tongue, what my eyes perhaps have but too weakly expreſſed—that I am literally—the humbleſt of your ſervants.

Fanny. I think myſelf greatly honoured, by your Lordſhip's partiality to me; but it diſtreſſes me, that I am obliged in my preſent ſituation to apply to it for protection.

Lord Ogle. I am happy in your diſtreſs, Madam, becauſe it gives me an opportunity to ſhew my zeal. Beauty to me, is a religion, in which I was born and
