Page:The Classical Heritage of the Middle Ages.djvu/417

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INDEX 399 Realism and nominalism, 52. Recognitions, the Clementine, 201 note. Rheims. 358. Rhetoric and Oratory, 25, 34 sqq., 359 ; in Christian writings, 201, 224. Rhyme, 284 sqq., 381; in Greek Christian poetry, 259, 261; in Latin hymns, 263-268. Rhythm, in Christian prose, 210, 215, 224, 258. Riddles, Anglo-Saxon, 299, 381. Roman buildings, 303. Roman character, the, 18 sqq. Roman de la Rose, 106, 279 note, 364. Roman Empire, decadent condi- tion of, 4, 33. Roman law, 9, 25, 365 ; transmis- sion of, to the Middle Ages, 56 sqq. ; effect of, on dogmatic phraseology, 117-119; qualities of, reflected in western monas- ticlsm, 157, 187. Roman painting, 334 note. Roman portraits, 335. Roman sculpture, 334 note. Romance tongues, 233. Romance verse forms, 286, 381. Romances, Greek, 41 sqq., 361. Bomanesque architecture, 806- 811. Bomanesqae actilpture, 345, 354 sqq. Romanes, 260-262, 307, 341, 375. Romantic elements in apocryphal acu.228. Rnfintis, 150, 164 note, 222. A / //ied, the, 880. Kutilius, 293. Sabina, 8., doors, 336 note, 354 note, 385. SainU, early worship of, 276. Sapphic verse, 285. Sappho. 43, 236, 240. Saracenic influence in southern Italy, 346 note. Sarcophagi, Christian, 324-325, 354. Satan, 277, 278, 283. Satyr, in art, 353, 388. Scholasticism, 10, 52, 122, 368. Schools of the Middle Ages, 47 sqq., 362. Sciences, representations in art, 387. Scripture, see Bible. Sculpture, Christian, 17, 324-325, 382; Greek, 28. Seasons, representations in art, 318 note, 387. Sedulius, 266, 281, 287, 292, 378. Seneca, 6 note, 290, 364. Sergios, 262. Sergius, St., church of, 306. Sermo Plebeius, the, 203. Sermons, early Christian, 224. Seven liberal arts, in art, 387. Shepherd of Hermas, 99. Sibyllina Oracula, 214, 220 note, 260-253, 375-377. Sibyls in art, 353, 366, 388. Sidonins Apollinaris, 36. Simonides, 239. Sirens, in art, 353, 388. Sobrietas (personification), 279, 280. Sodoma, de, 378. " Sortes Virgilianae," 38. Sophia, St., church of, 306-306, 340,342-343. Sophocles, ML Spes (pefsoniiloatlon). 278; p«^ gan and Christian conception, 6 note. Spiritalis historioB gettis, de, poem of Avitui, 283-28A.